There are six reasons to let go of what’s no longer working for you. Letting go is a process and isn’t always easy. But if we think of our lives like chapters in books (when a chapter ends, a new chapter begins), we can have confidence in discerning when it’s time to let go and when it’s time to start something new. A new life begins when we recognize the signs to let go.
1. Allows new possibilities to flow into your life
It takes courage to let go. Once you release the fear, your alignment with your aspirations improves. You start to doubt yourself less. When you let go for the right reasons great things begin to happen. You begin to produce good fruit. For example, maybe you’re looking to dive into a new career, learn a new hobby or manage your money better. You suddenly begin to invest in yourself by taking classes to learn how to perform these activities to improve the quality of your life. Your labor certainly isn’t in vain when you begin to let go of habits that don’t serve you well and choose to behave differently. Before long, we attract new opportunities and divine connections that bridge the gap between our potential and where we desire to be.
2. Makes room to establish new habits
Don’t beat yourself up about all the bad habits you have but rather concentrate on creating new habits. For example, instead of saying that you must stop drinking so much coffee throughout the day, you can say that you will choose to start drinking more peppermint tea or fresh cups of cold water throughout the day. Making a firm claim to perform a positive action is more encouraging. You’re least likely to give up. It’s as if the things we don’t want to do we end up doing anyway, so it’s better to focus on what we want to do without harping on what we don’t want to do.
3. Promotes a cheerful heart
Your kindness and cheerfulness will rub off on others. Whenever we decide to let go and allow what will be just be, there is a sense of relief that takes place for further peace and joy. This comfort can come through in a variety of ways like taking a nature walk, vigorous exercise and meditation. As we perform these activities, our brains experience a dopamine hit that makes us feel better. It’s almost as if we are experiencing a renewed mind and heart.
4. Increase Energy
Letting go of what others think about you and their expectations will enable you to boost your energy and focus. When we don’t allow other people’s judgments to get in the way of our actions, we will experience an increase in rest and happiness because our minds will be free from the laborious task of worrying about what others think. In essence, we don’t have to justify our reasons for letting go to anyone. Talking about everything with everyone only zaps our energy. The key is to figure out what drains your energy and make steps towards eliminating these energy stealers.
“We don’t have to justify our reasons for letting go to anyone.”
5. Become more graceful and assertive toward others
Letting go allows you to simply say “yes” or “no” to requests from others, because you’ve set boundaries around your time and energy. You begin to recognize right away what activities or events don’t fit into your life plans without feeling guilty of responding “no”. It also becomes easier to set boundaries around who you invite into your home (protecting your oasis), who you spend time with and how you spend your money and time.
And believe it or not, other people will respect you more because they will see that you’re not a pushover. You mean what you say and say what you mean while backing it up with action in a respectful, kind, and bold way.
6. Be More Courageous
Don’t allow other people’s doubts, fears and opinions make you feel shame about the decisions that you make for your life. These decisions range anywhere from letting go of clothes in the closet from that “one day I’ll wear this pile”, to letting go of sentimental clutter, to letting go of a relationship, etc. Anything that you decide to let go of that no longer serves you well is an emotional decision.
One area where shame may abound is if you decide to make a career change. Many people derive a sense of identity from their careers, and there is nothing wrong with this. But for some people, letting go of a particular career maybe a change for the better.
There is no need to feel shame in pursuit of a new career that is conducive to your personality and natural skillset. People may even ask you what if changing careers doesn’t work out or what if this or that happens. And your response will simply be, What if it does work out?
Most of the time I find that people who express their doubts in this way have past regrets of what they wish they could have done sooner. They want to pass their lack of faith, unbeknownst to them, onto you. Walking into the unknown is scary, but we don’t have to give in to fear. Let go of the fear and give into enjoying the journey of discovery.